Friday, November 21, 2008

black keyhole
no light from the room
on the other side,

hands out 
pricked by the cold
surrendered at your will
by the confusion 
by the machines
by everything you don't know,

distinct & stricken by
reaching out.

carved a blood line
about your face
by my anger
from your desperation
from everything you are

you've done something
but you don't know what
you should learn to navigate
& let the sails out,
but you're stuck
& alone

oh we'll try to do this together
but we won't
because of the impossible
because of what's not there
& the slow crawl of sun
in the winter
to the dark;

lanterns on the eaves
amongst plants & trees
the party continues
without me,
what about making the future
for later,
how about handing me a drink
for now,

You've awoken a siberian tiger
& now it preys on your heart.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

hey cutie. you're a robot that wants to be free from the shackles of your msgmachine. let go of your fear lust and fight the suicide dreams. take the pill to shake your apathy awake, and know what comes. it is a nightmare.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

you can't get past anything by just yourself. at some point you will face a barrier and need help. help can come in a variety forms. chaos, nature, drugs or other people, or physical pain, or emotional feeling crisis. a shock to the system, something to shake the foundation of routine out of you. it will happen, it always happens. there's no need to even press it or consider it. you'll keep breaking an infinite number of times until you die and break for real. because all the breaking before is just a way to change and grow, to experience as much as you can before the end comes.